Saturday, March 13, 2010

Orks (Allan) Vs. Tau (James) - 2000 pts - 20100313

Orks (Allan) Vs. Eldar (Dan) - 2000 pts - 20100313

Eldar Army List - 2000 Pts
Ork Army List - 2000 Pts


Mission - Pre-emptive Strike (Eldar Mission 1 from Battle Missions)

Deploy Forces -

Eldar Deploy:
Wave Serpent with Guardian Squad (Summer Squall)
Wave Serpent with Warlock Squad (Eldritch Maelstrom)
Fire Prism (Mounrning Glory)
Fire Prism (Silent Knight)
D Cannon Squad (Serenity Gate)
Dire Avenger Squad (Scything Wind)
Guardian Defender Squad (Autumn Descent)

Guardian Defender Squad (Spring Thaw)

Orks Deploy:

Eldar Turn 1

Seer Council casts Fortune
Guardian Defender Squad moves forward on the bridge
Wave Serpent moves to the other side of the board
Wave Serpent moves up

D Cannons shot at right most Boyz Squad and Killa Kans (Boyz Squad completely dead, 1 Killa Kan dead, 1 Killa Kan Shaken, 1 Killa Kan weapon destroyed, 1 Mech (forward most loota) dead)
Fire Prism shot at Lootas (1 mech dead)
Fire Prism shot at Lootas (0 dead)
Guardians shot at Killa Kans (0 dead)

Ork Turn 1

Killa Kans move sideways
Battlewagon moves up, Flashgets disembark

Weird Boy and Boyz Squad Teleports behind the eldar lines
WeirdBoy and Boyz Squad fired at the fire prism (missed)
Forwardmost Lootas shot at the Fire Prism (Destroyed it, 6 Guardians dead, Guardians Disembarked)

Eldar Turn 2

Striking Scorpians come in as reserves from Eldar Table Edge
Guardian Defender Squad moves through difficult terrain towards Boyz Squad
Dire Avengers move down from tower
Guardian Defender Squad moves towards Boyz Squad
Wave Serpent moves up
Guardian Squad from Wave Serpent moves up

Wave Serpent Starengined forward (Redo Photo)
D Cannon shots at the Battlewagon and Flashgets (Battlewagon destroyed and 2 Flashgets)
Guardian Squad shots at WeirdBoy and Boyz (7 dead)
Guardian Squad shots at WeirdBoy and Boyz (Whiped out)
Fire Prism shot at forward most Lootas (2 dead, failed morale test)

Orks Turn 2

Flashgets went into the bunker
Killa Kans moved behind the bunker
Boys moved towards Wave Serpent

Killa Kans shot at the Assault Guardian Squad (1 dead)
Boys Squad shot at Wave Serpent with Rockets (missed)
Flashget shot at D Cannons (1 dead)
Center Lootas shot at Wave Serpent (Wave Serpent destroyed, 7 Boyz dead from explosion, 2 Warlocks dead)
Bakcmost Lootas shot at Warlocks (0 dead)

Boyz charge Warlocks (1 Warlock dead, 7 Boys dead, Orks failed break test, Ran off board)

Eldar Turn 3

Assault Guardians move towards Killa Kans
Dire Avengers move up into the tower
Guardians move onto the bridge
Guardians move onto the bridge
Scorpians moved towards corner

Guardians shot scatterlasers at Killa Kans (missed)
Warlocks shot at backmost Lootas (7 dead, failed break test, ran off board)

Assault Guardians assaulted Killa Kans (1 Kill Kan stunned, 3 Guardians dead, Guardians failed morale, Guardians ran off the board)

Ork Turn 3


Killa Kans moved toward dead Wave Serpent

Fleshgets shot at D cannons (1 dead)
Center Lootas shot at the Warlocks (3 dead)
Killa Kans shot at D Cannons (0 dead)

Eldar Turn 4


Warlocks moved towards center ruins
Guardians moved off the bridge
Scorpians moved towards the bridge

Fire Prism shot at Center Lootas (2 mechs, 1 Loota died, failed break test)
D Cannons destroyed the bunker
Guardian scatter laser shot last Loota (1 dead)

Orks Turn 4


Lootas regrouped
Killa Kans move toward Fire Prism

Flashgets shot at D Cannons (All D Cannons die)
Killa Kans shot at Fire Prism (No damage)

Eldar Turn 5


Casts Fortune on Warlock Squad
Guardians moved back onto bridge
Fire Prism moved forward
Warlocks moved onto ruins

Warlocks shot at boyz, 11 die
Guardians shot killa kanz, destroyed 1 and stunned the last one
Fire prism fired combined shot at lootas, killed 4

Warlock Squad assaults Boyz (1 Warlock dead, All Boyz and Nob dead)

Ork Turn 5


Flashgets move out of the bunker

Flashgets shot at Fire Prism (No Damage)

Game Ends

Eldar - 13 Points
Orks - 8 Points

Friday, March 12, 2010

Space Marines (Charles) vs. Orks (Allan) - 2000 pts - 20100312

Space Marine Army List - 2000 Pts
Ork Army List - 2000 Pts


Mission - Seize Ground (5 Objectives)

Deploy Forces - Pitched Battle - Space Marines deploy first

Space Marines Deploy:
Land Raider w/ Terminator Squad and Librarian
2 Whirlwinds
Devestator Squad

Orks Deploy:
Battlewagon w/ Flash Gitz
Killer Kans
4 Boyz Squads
2 Lootas Squads

Space Marines Deploy Infiltrators:
2 Scout Squads

Space Marines Turn 1

Moved Assault Scouts Forward

Right Flank Whirlwind shot at the Squad of Boys with the Weirdboy (8 Dead)
Devestator Squad shot at the Killer Kans (One glancing hit - Crew Shaken)
Center Whirlwind shot at the Boyz Squad and Completely Missed
Sniper Scout Squad shot at the Boyz Squad (2 Dead and one wound on the Nob by Sargent Telion)


Orks Turn 1


Lootas shot at the Devestator Squad (2 dead marines)
Weird Boy and Boyz shot at the Assault Scouts (0 deaths)
Boyz shot at the Assault Scouts (2 deaths)
Flashgets shot at the Assault Scouts (1 death)
Lootas shot at the Sniper Scout Squad (4 deaths)
Lootas shot at the Sniper Scout Squad (0 deaths)


Space Marines Turn 2

Drop pod 1 landed, disembarked tactical squad
Drop pod 2 landed, disembarked tactical squad
Land raider moved forward, termies disembarked
Assault scout squad moved forward

Tactical squad kills 6 lootas, failed morale check, ran off board.
Tactical squad kills 6 boys
Librarian destroys (Explodes) Warwagon
Center whirlwind shot at the one squad of boyz and scatters onto another (3 dead)
Right Flank whirlwind shot at a squad of boyz with the weirdboy (4 dead)

Librarian and Termies assault the Flashgets (Whipes out the Flashgets)

Orks Turn 2

Killa Kans move forward
Leftmost Boyz move towards the whirlwind
Center Boyz move towards the termies
Other center Boyz move towards the tactical squad
Rightmost Boyz move towards the objective.

Pyskic power = warpath
Killa Kans shot at the Right Flank Whirlwind (no damage)
Boyz shot rockets at the assault scouts (1 dead)
Boyz shot at the termies (0 dead)
Boyz shot at the termies (0 dead)
Boyz shot at the tactical squad (1 dead)
Lootas shot at the tactical squad (3 dead)

Boyz assaulted the termies (4 wounds on termies, 4 wounds on Boyz)
Boyz assaulted right tactical squad (3 wounds on Boyz, Tactical Squad whiped out)

Space Marines Turn 3

Land Raider moves forward 6" (passes difficult terrain)
Assault Scouts move towards the cetner (towards the objective)
Sniper Scouts move out of the building
Tactical squad move slightly

Land Raider shot at Lootas (2 dead)
Dev Squad shot at Killa Kans (1 destroyed)
Both Whrlwinds shot at the Weird Boy and Boys (4 dead + Pinning Test Failed)
Tactical Squad shot at boyz (11 Dead)

Tactical Squad assaults Boyz (SM - 1 wound, Orks - 3 wounds, Orks rans off the board)
Librarian and Termies Combat with Boyz (SM - 2 wounds, Orks - 2 wounds)

Orks Turn 3

Killa Kans move towards Whirlwind
Rightmost Boyz squad moves towards Objective

Killa Kans blows up Rightmost whirlwind
Leftmost Lootas shot at Assault Scouts (all die)
Rightmost Boyz run towards objective

Combat between Boyz and Librarian and Termie (SM Whiped out)

Space Marine Turn 4

Land Raider moves towards Boys
Sniper Scouts move towards objective


Land Raider shots Boyz (7 dead)
Tactical Squad Shoots at Boyz (2 dead - failed break test runs 5")
Whirlwind missed boyz
Sniper Scouts run 5"

Orks Turn 4

Killa Kans Forward towards objective
Weird Boyz and Boys moved forward

Killa Kans missed Devesttors
Weirdboy and Boyz teleported
Weirdboy and Boyz shot at Devestator (1 dead)
Lootas shot at Dev (3 dead)

Space Marine 5
Assault scouts moved toward objective
Landraider moves into position to fire
Tactical squad moves toward objective

Devastators killed 2 boyz
Land Raider shot at Boyz (3 dead)

Orks Turn 5

Killa Kans move towards objective

Lootas shot at Scouts (3 dead)
Killa Kans shot at Dev (o dead)
Weirdboyz and Boyz shot at Dev (1 dead, break test failed, ran off board)
Mechs shot at Land Raider (missed)

Space Marine Turn 6

Scouts move on objective
Land raider moved toward boyz

Land Raider shots at Boyz (only 3 models left)
Tctical Squad shot at Rightmost Lootas (2 mechs and a loota dead)
Whirlwind shots at weirdboy and boys (0 dead)

Orks Turn 6

Killa Kans move onto objective

Rightmost lootas shot at tactical squad (1 dead)
Leftmost loots shot at tactical squad (0 dead)

Game ends - Tie
Allan had objective 1 with the weirdboy and boyz
Allan had objective 5 with boyz
Charles had objective 2 with sniper scouts
Charles had objective 4 with tactical squad

Left Alive:

Space Marines:
1 whirlwind
2 sniper scouts (including sarg)
2 drop pods
8 tactical marines
1 Land Raider

1 Nob, 2 Boyz w/ Rockets, 1 Boy with Shoota, 1 Weirdboy
2 Rocket boyz, 1 Shoota Boy
2 Killa Kans
8 Lootas, 2 Mechs
5 Lootas
